Here we are! Our final week of diving into these four questions. For most of us, we like to start in this section. Starting something new! And why wouldn’t we? Usually, something new brings fresh energy and excitement. Something to look forward to. Something unexpected. Something different. There is a reason it is the last stop in the questions.
Maybe listing your accomplishments was easy, and you wanted to jump right to starting something new. It is easy to get caught up in that winning momentum. Maybe you answered question one with ease, and looking at where to improve began to sting a little, and by the time we started looking at what you need to stop, you decided you would stop this process. I hope not, but I know it could have happened!
Maybe the first three questions were comfortable, and this one has you stumped. Perhaps one was hard, and you brushed this off to the to-do pile.
Finding your groove in this process is just that, finding YOUR groove. But far too often, I think we fall in the trap when things are going really well, to start new things without going through the process of evaluating what we are currently doing and making changes based on that evaluation.
So, what are you dreaming about? Amid the COVID fog, what are you hoping for or ready to start? Many of us jumped into new ways of doing church, and now that they are up and running, we have space to go back and evaluate them and tweak them to be the best that we can do. Then when you have found your new groove, what else do you want to start doing?