This week we are looking at what is one thing you will stop doing. This week will either be super easy for you or hard. Make sure you have your list of what you are doing well and what you need to improve, ready to go! If you need more information on those, you can read them here. One Thing You Are Doing Well and One Thing You Need To Improve.
Without giving you my whole personal story in this section, let me tell you that it is so HARD to stop doing something once I have committed to it. SO HARD! It is a blessing and a curse, I have decided. It is easy for me to live life with a plate too full. Sometimes it is just easier to hide behind the busyness than actually sort my life into healthy functioning sections. Becoming a mom helped a lot in guarding my time, but it is still something daily that I have to submit and work on. And I am not just talking schedules/to-do list/commitment busyness but being still and silent (shocker for those who know me well, I am sure). Even if my office is quiet, there’s an ongoing to-do list running in my brain (looking at you Annual Conference) and music playing in my head.
But enough about me, where do you fall on that scale of being able to prune and cut things that you know you need to cut? Looking back at your list of things to improve, is there anything that might hinder you from pursuing that goal and getting that focus moved from your improved list to your doing well list? Is there something that just doesn’t bring you joy or reach your goals that is something you can actually cut out of your routine? Maybe you can delegate it. Perhaps you just need to step away from the commitment. What is something you need to stop doing so you can take your next step toward something that helps you reach your goal and brings life to your inner being?
Maybe it is something like not looking at social media or email on your Sabbath. Or blocking time in your schedule to work on a goal or project as if it was a meeting. Maybe you are only home one night during the week, and that is draining.
Take some time and see what blocks you from reaching your goals or draining your energy. Make a list of what you need to stop doing and narrow it down to one thing you are willing to cut out. Then take action.
This week’s question and next week’s question were homework for our Laity group, but if you were in that session and did your homework ;) please send it my way!