Page - NWTX Conference of The UMC

Enhancing and Expanding the Gospel of Jesus in the United Methodist Tradition

In February of 2023, shortly after being assigned as the episcopal leader of the North and Central Texas Conferences by the South Central Jurisdictional Conference of The United Methodist Church, Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. began to work with clergy and lay leaders of both conferences to determine how to best move our disciple-making mission forward in the short- and long-term.

In June 2023, Bishop Saenz and Bishop Nunn began to work together in looking forward for a possible unification of the Northwest Texas Conference, North Texas Conference and the Central Texas Conference pending approval at Jurisdictional Conference in July 2024.

With an eye on what the world of 2050 will be like and need, the conference leadership set out to cast a vision that would energize and guide the people and local churches in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. In August of 2023, the Central and North Texas Cabinets were joined by members of the Northwest Texas Cabinet for a vision retreat. After hearing from visioning experts, reviewing current and forecasted demographic data for each conference and much prayer, the set a vision and supporting strategic priorities for the conferences.

Our Vision

We are followers of Jesus, seeking the loving, just and free world God imagines for all people.

Our Strategic Priorities

  • Multiply Jesus Followers

  • Champion Children and Youth

  • Maximize Care and Healing

  • Pursue and Embrace Diversity

  • Tell Our Story

Conference Unification

Another key initiative set forth by Bishop Saenz shortly following his assignment to the North and Central Texas Conferences was to consider how to unify and harness the collective resources of the Central, North and Northwest Texas Conferences to best serve the region. By working together as one body with a unified vision, we will be well-positioned to multiply Jesus followers as a unified conference following the widely anticipated adoption of new conference boundaries by the 2024 South Central Jurisdictional Conference.

The process for exploring unification began in earnest in February 2023. Throughout the spring and summer of 2023, Bishop Saenz and clergy and lay leaders from all three conferences worked together on a unification plan set for the second half of the year and into 2024.

Below is a video update from an initial leadership meeting held in November 2023 with North, Central, and Northwest Texas Leaders.

Consultants' Review

How NWTX Got Here

What's Coming Next

Unification Sub-Group Teams

New Directors Named for the New Unified Conference


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current Epsicopal area for NWTX?

Is North and Central Texas Conference already one conference?

Who decides what conference nwtx is joined with?