Special Called Annual Conference - Unifying Conference
September 28, 2024 | 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Abilene Convention Center
Welcome Reception hosted by McMurry University
Tour the new Garrison United Methodist Campus Center and enjoy a warm welcome at an evening reception, hosted by McMurry University. Children and families welcome!
Laity Gathering | Abilene, TX
Join fellow United Methodist lay members for an afternoon of connection before the main conference at St. Paul UMC, Abilene, TX.
Clergy Retreat | Abilene, TX
Deepen your faith and fellowship with a dedicated retreat for clergy members. Check-in opens Sept. 26 at 1:30 p.m., event starts at 2 p.m. at St. Paul UMC, Abilene, TX. Separate lodging details, including special Clergy Retreat hotel blocks, to follow.
NWTX 2024 Annual Conference
Save the Date for Annual Conference 2024 in Lubbock, TX, at FUMC Lubbock.
Watch the Pre-Conference Meeting here:
Passcode: t@ynj69A
UMC General Conference 2024
The Commission on the General Conference announced today that the 2024 United Methodist General Conference will be held April 23 – May 3, 2024, at Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Retiree Pre-Conference Webinar Meeting
You are invited to a Zoom webinar for the NWTX Retirees Pre-Conference meeting.
When: Apr 18, 2024, 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Retiree Pre-Conference Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Clergy & Lay Delegate Pre-Conference Webinar Meeting
You are invited to a Zoom webinar for the NWTX Clergy and Lay Delegates Pre-Conference meeting.
When: Apr 16, 2024, 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Clergy & Laity Pre-Conference Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Covenant Day with North and Central Texas Conferences
NWTX Pastors are invited to attend Covenant Day with North and Central Texas. Based on John Wesley’s Covenant Renewal service, Covenant Day brings United Methodist clergy together for connection, enrichment and a reminder of our commitments to God and one another at the start of the new year. Dr. Bob Johansen, a 50-year futurist from Silicon Valley-based Institute for the Future, will speak about the future of belonging, augmented leadership and the mix of in-person and virtual experiences. Join us at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 30 at Trietsch Memorial UMC in Flower Mound. Registration is $15 and includes lunch.
Registration link: https://ntccamping.regfox.com/covenant-day-2024
Date and Location
January 30, 2024
9:30 am – 2:30 pm
Treitsch Memorial UMC, 6101 Morriss Rd., Flower Mound, TX
Registration is $15.00 and includes lunch.
Schedule At-A-Glance
Registration and Welcome
Gathering Songs and Litany
Remarks from Bishop Saenz
Bob Johansen – Part 1
Working Lunch
Bob Johansen – Part 2
Closing Words, Covenant Prayer, and Communion
2024 Church Stats
It’s that time of year to update your 2023 church stats! The Conference will be using the ACSTATS system again this year. https://stats.gcfa.org/ There are no changes from the 2022 local church reporting data elements.
Please note that the 2023 local church statistics will be the basis for the 2025 apportionments of the potential new Conference. Please ensure the accuracy and completeness of Table 2 Expenses and Table 3 Income.
A new incentive check of $1,000 will be distributed to churches that submit their 2023 statistics by the deadline of January 23, 2024. Note the portal will be opened on Monday, January 8th.
Each church user will have to register as a new user; last year’s information has been deleted.
To enter the stats system, follow these steps:
Go to https://stats.gcfa.org/Login.aspx (see attached screenshot).
In the Login box where is says “email@gcfa.org” enter the church GCFA number. This is a 6 digit number that is sometimes called the Permanent ID. Most GCFA numbers start with 7. (see attached screenshot).
In the Password box, enter the temporary password NWTXConf2023! (see attached screenshot)
Click Log in
This will take you to a screen entitled Local Church Identification/Registration. There should be no Registered users so click on the box “I’m not Listed.” (see attached screenshot)
A new screen will open where you will enter your information. Every box that has an asterisk is a required field. (see attached screenshot)
In the password box, it may have a password suggestion but if you click in that box and start typing, you can choose your own password. It must be at least 8 characters long and contain 1 special character (e.g., exclamation point). You can click on the eyeball to the right of the box and it will show you what you are typing. (see attached screenshot)
When completed, click on “Register with Local Church”.
Go back to the login https://stats.gcfa.org
Log in using your email and password that you entered when you registered as a user. (see attached screenshot)
This will take you to the Church Details screen. Please review this screen and make note of any missing or incorrect information. You cannot edit this screen but please send an email with the missing or incorrect information to the district office. (see attached screenshot)
Click on the box “Annual Report” or click on the “Annual Statistics” in the top menu bar.
Begin entering your stats. There is a toggle switch that you can use to display the question instructions.
ACSTATS system support & Questions Process Steps:
Contact your District Assistant with any initial questions:
Amarillo & Lubbock – Jennifer Andersen: admin.assistant@lubdistumc.com
Big Spring & Abilene – Paula Hughes: paula@abilenedistrict.com
If DA can’t answer, email Conference Staff:
System Access – contact Janie Davis davis@nwtxconf.org
Statistical Data Questions – Dave Andersen andersen@nwwtxconf.org
Conference Office Phone: 806-762-0201
Note: DA or Conference staff resource availability may be limited, and the ability to quickly respond to your questions if you delay until Jan. 16 - 23 to begin input.
Special Called Session of Annual Conference Announced
In accordance with ¶603.5 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and with the support of the District Superintendent, I hereby call a Special Session of the Northwest Texas Annual Conference to be held on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 6:30 pm on the Zoom Webinar Hosted by the Annual Conference.
The purpose of the called session is as follows:
1. To act on the disaffiliation report from the Board of Trustees on recommendations for disaffiliation,
2. To act on a resolution from the Lubbock Methodist Hospital (LMH) Board.
Bishop James Nunn
Register here for the Special Called Session. Each voting delegate must have their own registration link for the webinar to vote in the polling questions. Only one device will be able to be used with each registration link. For example, if your church is gathered to attend the session on Zoom, each voting member will need to be on their own device to vote on the poll.
Each registration will be manually processed to correctly organize the voting members and visitors. Once your registration is processed, you will receive an email from Zoom confirming your spot.
Signed Cover Letter to NWTC to Accompany LMHS Bylaw Proposed Changes
DRAFT Sixth Amended and Restated Bylaws Clean
DRAFT Sixth Amended and Restated Bylaws (redline)
LMHS and NWTX Conference Relationship Letter
If you have any questions please email montgomery@nwtxconf.org.
South Sector Pastors Meeting
All pastors and Community Group Leaders please make plans to attend one of these meetings.
(Abilene and Big Spring Districts)
August 9 | 10 am - 3 pm | Trent UMC
North Sector Pastors Meeting
All pastors and Community Group Leaders please make plans to attend one of these meetings.
(Amarillo and Lubbock Districts)
August 8 | 10 am - 3 pm | Amarillo UMC
Certified Lay Minister Training
Want to become a Certified Lay Minister?
A Certified Lay Servant course on Spiritual Gifts, will be offered on August 5, 2023. (Corrected Date from the last newsletter.) This is an advanced course and can be taken by anyone who has already completed the Basic Course in Lay Servant Ministries.
This course is required for anyone wanting to become a Certified Lay Minister. This training will be facilitated by Jocelyn Furr. The cost is $50. It will be held at St. James, Abilene. 9:00- 4:00pm. Lunch included.
Pre-registration is required. Contact Paula, paula@abilenedistrict.com to register. The class will be canceled if no one has registered by Wednesday, August 2, 2023.
Vocational Discernment Retreat
WHERE: St. James UMC, Abilene (3100 Barrow St.)
If you have laity in your church who are discerning a call to ministry, please invite them to join us for this time of exploration! The event is free. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
So that we can plan refreshments, please RSVP by July 14 by phoning John Miller (325-793-3896; please leave a voicemail mes- sage if he is not in the office).
Attending a vocation discernment retreat is a required part of the candidacy process for ordained ministry.
If you have any questions, please contact John Miller at the number listed above.
Vocational Discernment Retreat
WHERE: St. James UMC, Abilene (3100 Barrow St.)
If you have laity in your church who are discerning a call to ministry, please invite them to join us for this time of exploration! The event is free. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
So that we can plan refreshments, please RSVP by July 14 by phoning John Miller (325-793-3896; please leave a voicemail mes- sage if he is not in the office).
Attending a vocation discernment retreat is a required part of the candidacy process for ordained ministry.
If you have any questions, please contact John Miller at the number listed above.
2023 Annual Conference Session
2023 Annual Conference | June 1 - June 2 | FUMC, Lubbock
Ash Wednesday Services - Find a Service Near You!
Looking for a church having an Ash Wednesday service? Below are churches in the NWTX Conference that are hosting an Ash Wednesday Service! Find one close to you or join us online at 6 pm here.
Levelland UMC - 6 pm
Christ UMC, Levelland - 6 pm
Trent UMC - 6 pm
FUMC, Lubbock - 6:30 pm
St. John’s UMC, Lubbock - 6 pm - They are also hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 21 at 6 pm.
Forrest Heights UMC, Lubbock - 6:30 pm
St. Matthew UMC, Amarillo - 7 pm
St. Luke’s UMC, Midland - 6 pm
St. Mark’s UMC, Midland - 6:30 pm
FUMC, Merkel - 6 pm
Stratford UMC - 7 am Service, ashing from 7 am - 1 pm
Highland Heights UMC, Sweetwater - 6 pm
St. Paul UMC, Abilene - 12 pm @ Griswold Chapel, 6 pm @ Sanctuary
FUMC, Dumas - 6 pm
Dalhart - 5:30 pm - fisher@nwtxconf.org
Plainview - 7 pm - andersen@nwtxconf.org
2022 Shared Ministries Final Payments due January 12, 2023
For the remaining UMC churches that have not paid 100% of their Shared Ministries, your final payments for 2022 are due in the Conference office by Thursday, January 12, 2023. For questions, please contact Dave Andersen or Janie Davis-Fly.
NWTX Special Called Session Online Only
In accordance with ¶603.5 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and with the support of the District Superintendents, I hereby call a Special Session of the Northwest Texas Annual Conference to be held on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 6:30 P.M. using the Conference digital platform.
The purpose of the called session is as follows:
To suspend the rules governing the structure of the Northwest Texas Conference to provide flexibility in the nomination process,
To elect officers as necessary to complete the structure of the NWTX officers,
To act on a spending plan for the calendar year 2023 for the Northwest Texas Annual Conference.
To share items of information on coverage assignments of the District Superintendents and other timely information.
Download the following documents:
Worship Online
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 am here, Youtube or Facebook for worship. Services will be available to watch on demand throughout the week as well.
Conference Office Closed
The Conference Office will be closed in observance of the New Year.
Worship Online
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 am here, Youtube or Facebook for worship. Services will be available to watch on demand throughout the week as well.