At our 2019 Annual Conference gathering, the NWTX Annual Conference committed focus on the orphan. Here is a glimpse of what was presented this past June.
This Sunday, October 20, 2019 is the kick off Sunday for the 2020 Vision.
Below are 7 Steps for Planning Orphan Sunday in your churches.
7 Steps for Planning Orphan Sunday:
1) Select any Sunday from October 20, 2019 to September 20, 2020 that works for your congregation and worship team to set apart as a special Sunday. (Note that November 10, 2019 is National Orphan Sunday, and April 26, 2020 is Blue Sunday)
2) Study Scripture about our vertical adoption as God's children through the work of Jesus Christ. (John 1:12-13, Galatians 4:4-5, Romans 8:15 are good places to start) Study Scripture about our horizontal adoption responsibility as God's people to the fatherless in our society. (Jeremiah 7:1-6, Psalm 82:3, James 1:27 are good places to start)
3) Prepare a Sermon about the grace we receive in vertical adoption and the work of mercy in horizontal adoption in the community (local), conference (ex: 2020 vision), church. (ex: Methodist children's Home) and around the world.
4) Ask an Orphan Advocate to give a 10 minute presentation during the worship service; if you have a family with adoption/foster kids, ask them to share about how faith played a part in their decision to adopt/foster - and if not, ask someone from a support agency in your community to give a presentation about the work of their organization. (ex: Local Adoption Agency, CASA Advocates, Child Welfare Board members, County Rainbow Room/ CPS workers, or anyone locally involved in Orphan care in your community).
5) Plan the Worship Service to include liturgy, hymns, praise songs, and/or special music which gives worship to God for adopting us!
6) Take up a Special Offering as your Finance Committee sees fit. (from a one-time rail offering, monthly communion offering, Christmas offering, or year-long offering)
7) Turn in the Offering by writing a check to the Northwest Texas Conference Office on or after September 20, 2020. (with "2020 Vision Offering" in the memo line, and indicate the gift on your EZRA report in January, 2021)
Below is a testimony from Kim and Rhonda on how vertical and horizontal adoption has impacted their lives.
Download the following graphics for Sunday service use and social media.
2020 Vision - Facebook Cover Banner
2020 Vision - Instagram Square
If you would like to use either of the videos above in your services or promotions and need more that the youtube links above, please email Jaime at for the original video files.
NWTX Conference passed legislation to raise awareness of the orphan crisis and need for care in our region and around the world. Between October 20, 2019 and September 20, 2020, each congregation will observe at least one "Orphan Sunday" to celebrate the spiritual adoption of Christians into the family of God, and to spotlight adoption/foster/kinship families, agencies, and support agencies in its community.
Additionally, a special offering will be taken up over the course of those eleven months from all participating congregations, as the initial funding for an endowment with NWTX Conference. Beginning in 2021, the annual interest from this endowment will be awarded to selected applicants in need of financial assistance for foster/adoption costs, as overseen by the NWTX Conference.