Most Supportive Pastor, United Methodist Women
Annual Conference, August 14, 2021
Presented by Brenda Breeden
To: Rev. Donita Lea
Rev. Donita Lea, center; Carolyn Cobb, left; Brenda Breeden, right
I began to know of our recipient around 2005 when she co-led the United Methodist Women’s Retreat for Young Women. She had a spirit about her—a spirit that says: “I want you to have the best relationship possible with God and I am here to help if needed!” A spirit that says “I want to listen to your story, your joys and your concerns. I want to hear what you say and be led to respond or simply stay quiet”. I knew immediately that she had the compassion to convey the love that God has for every individual no matter what the circumstance, and the energy to do that in such creative ways.
Now that I’ve gotten to know her better as my pastor at St James in Abilene, I know she has faced many obstacles in her life and that she is a fighter. Some of those fights she has come out the victor, some of those fights she’s had to face disappointment. –but, she possesses such a strong example of faith in following God’s will, to trust that what is right and good will become evident and her task--is to stay on the journey with God.
We are so glad that that journey involves her participation and support of United Methodist Women. She has been active in units, led programs, used United Methodist Women’s materials in other circles of the church, spoken on many occasions, and a few years ago when she spoke at our UMW and Friends dinner, had the Bishop and everyone else up dancing. (We have pictures). She supports advocacies and mission work for women children and youth. Mission work has seen such growth throughout our church at St James because she has expanded the concept of mission, which is in our Purpose. She demonstrates her support of our leadership abilities by allowing us to lead the entire service for United Methodist Women’s Sunday.
Most recently I asked Dot to lead the kickoff of a Northwest Texas Conference United Methodist Women’s Spiritual Growth Ministry on Zoom called ‘The PartyLine’, a ministry to draw us back together after being apart for more than a year. She agreed in her usual supportive way and when on the day before the event, I asked if she was ready, her response was “I am VERY ready.” My response to that is “I should never question her readiness when it deals with spiritual growth, nurturing, and outreach endeavors.
I could give you a long list of achievements and degrees that Dot has attained in the schools she has attended and the service she has given, but today is about her supporting United Methodist Women, so Dot we love you and glad to add you to the growing list of Most Supportive Pastors.