Mission Opportunities in NWTX & Beyond

As we move into the last of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, it is important to recognize the methods and ways we can respond to people in Disaster and Need from our conference. For example, here are the various teams that we can implement:

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Mission Teams - responds to a particular "mission" inside and outside our geographic area.

ERT (Early Response Trained) Teams - trained and vetted, "first-in, first-to-aid," specially taught, and organized "strike teams" for Disaster and Emergency Response.

Long-Term Recovery Teams - are dedicated to working on long-term projects and events.

Construction (non-Disaster Response) Teams - usually works hand-in-hand with other teams requiring rebuild/remake skills, more medium-term.

Combined Teams - any combination of groups mentioned above or with other organizations.

Educational/Relational Teams - works primarily with victims to stabilize and enhance recovery.

Community Outreach - Special project/focused on a specific (usually short-term) goal.

Youth/Young Adult Teams - teams of young people that are led by adults in specific tasks.

All the above are coordinated teams with assigned tasks. Not all but most groups require specific training/orientation, and ALL disaster teams are required to be coordinated (usually with Conference Disaster Response Coordinator (CDRC) or UMVIM Coordinators).

So, there is a lot of room for you to help. Contact CDRC Charlie Brown @ 806-789-0791 for more info or email: charlie.m.brown@gmail.com.  

We have a team scheduled to help in East Texas in December but will need more after the New Year. ERT training will also be offered in February 2021 for ERT Training and Pre-qualification for domestic and international placement.


Charlie M Brown, NWTX Disaster Relief Coordinator