
Love drives this season and our daily lives as Christians. The unimaginable love of God for creation leads to the incarnation of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, so creation reunites with God. Emmanuel.

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Christ with us. But as we sing the Christmas carols, we must not forget that while we remember a story from a long time ago, we live in the presence of Emmanuel today.

We should not contain this love. Christ is the light of the world. He called us to take His light to the darkness through the ends of the earth. How are you spreading the Word? How are you inviting your community?

Christ’s birth was the beginning of a new story. One of redemption. One that we are currently in. A story from long ago but alive in us today. As we wait for the second coming of Christ, we are wandering through the middle of the story. With the second coming, our current story comes to an end, and we step into something new.

What are you clinging to in your story that you need to let the love of Christ heal? What relationships do you need to grow more through Christ’s love? How will you let Christ’s love speak to you this Advent season?

I pray that you have a very Merry Christmas and that the Lord speaks clearly and boldly in your life. That your hope, peace, joy, and love in Christ renews this season.

Here are some scriptures to Finding Joy in the Journey: 

December 22 – Matthew 2:7-8

December 23 – Matthew 2:9-12

December 24 – John 1:14