Latest BSA Bankruptcy Update

Here is the latest communication we have been asked to share with Northwest Texas Conference pastors in relation to the Boy Scout bankruptcy proceedings.  Please read through this carefully.  If you have questions, feel free to call me at 806.762.0201.  We will keep you posted as we receive additional information.

Mike Schafer

Director of Mission & Administration

I want to share with you a quick update on the Boy Scout bankruptcy case. Your church may have received one or more packets in the mail about the Boy Scout bankruptcy. The BSA is required to send to all present and past congregations who chartered a scout troop a packet of information about the bankruptcy. Many churches’ packets will also include ballots.  Unfortunately, organizations that are trying to influence a congregation’s vote are also sending information packets which look like the official documents.


DO NOT FILL ANYTHING OUT AT THIS TIME.  ANY LOCAL CHURCH THAT RECEIVES THE PACKAGE SHOULD TAKE NO ACTION AT THIS TIME. The United Methodist Ad Hoc Committee is working toward a settlement on behalf of our UMC cases.  The committee is also developing recommendations for local churches on how to complete the included ballot. These guidelines will be shared as soon as they are complete. Local churches will also be provided with a summary of the most important aspects of the plan. Additionally, information sessions for district superintendents, as well as webinars for church leaders about how to complete the form, why the vote matters, and how the outcome may affect our congregations, will be provided.  All of this should happen by November 23rd so that you can have your ballot in the mail in plenty of time before the December deadline.


Let me repeat…do not fill anything out in relation to the Boy Scout bankruptcy case at this time.  Your District Superintendent and I will be following up with you on when and how to fill out the forms.  If you have questions, please call me 806.762.0201 or email me at