FUMC Hereford Trunk or Treat

First United Methodist Church in Hereford, Texas, celebrated their Annual Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 29. Read below what Amanda Brookhart, FUMC Hereford Children’s Director, had to say about this year's event.

This was our 4th Annual Trunk or Treat and this year was the best one yet! We paired up with The First Baptist Church and St. Anthony’s Catholic School and with all of us working together for a good cause we served over 850 people. We all pitched in with food, candy, advertising, trunks, support, and made it a trunk or treat to remember. We came together, us, FBC and St. A’s, because we believe working together is better than working alone and we all want to share our love of Christ with the Hereford community. We couldn’t have pulled it off without each other’s support and love of Jesus Christ! This year it was such an amazing turn out and such a pleasure working with each group!!

 -Amanda Brookhart, FUMC Hereford Children’s Director