Bishop Nunn announces changes in titles and roles in the NWTX Conference Leadership

Rev. Mike Schafer

Bishop Nunn is pleased to announce the following changes in title and role in conference leadership.

Rev. Mike Schafer has received the new title of Assistant to the Bishop/ Director of Mission and Administration. This title more accurately describes how he will be working with Bishop Nunn. With the title and role, Rev. Schafer is authorized to communicate on behalf of the bishop. Both Nunn and Schafer will be in close contact and readily available to each other, so that the conference is better served.

With great appreciation for her work as Dean of the Cabinet, Bishop Nunn and the cabinet accepted the request of Rev. Felicia Hopkins to relinquish the role of dean in order to devote more time and energy to her new district, to reduce the travel demands on her time, and the conference budget.

Bishop Nunn and the Cabinet has assigned Rev. Les Hall the next Dean of the Cabinet. Bishop Nunn will be working with Rev. Hall in coordinating calendars, announcements, interfacing with the Conference Service Center leadership team, and other matters.

Rev. Les Hall

Big Spring District Superintendent

Rev. Felicia Hopkins

Abilene District Superintendent

Rev. Darren Skinner

Amarillo District Superintendent

Rev. Don Boren

Lubbock District Superintendent