Bishop Bledsoe's 2019 Itineration Gatherings


This fall, NWTX clergy and lay members attended Bishop Bledsoe’s Itineration Gatherings. The focus of these gatherings provided space to reflect on the special General Conference 2019 meeting and to hear about what is coming at the 2020 session.

Groups gathered in Amarillo, Munday, Abilene, and Lubbock to hear what others felt about the process and outcome of General Conference 2019. We recognize that while we may not all be on the same page, we are still one together on mission to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

These groups shared mixed feelings from disappointment to confusion to hope as they reflected on the past General Conference gathering.

While looking at the upcoming 2020 General Conference, groups shared what they were hoping for in the coming year and beyond. They shared their dreams for the local church and the denomination as a whole.

Groups gathered around tables to reflect on General Conference 2019.

Groups gathered around tables to reflect on General Conference 2019.

Some were hopeful and expectant of a revival to come while others believed a split was inevitable. We talked of a need for a united spirit of working together while acknowledging we do not all think alike. Some shared that we need to agree to disagree and follow the discipline. Others stated that we needed to focus on making disciples. Above all, groups recognized that we need to center on Christ and the Great Commission. And to act in ways that we do not turn people away from the church. We do not want to be known as the church that is fighting. Some groups voiced that we needed time to heal and to pray.

Table leaders shared the reflections and dreams of their tables for the whole body.

Table leaders shared the reflections and dreams of their tables for the whole body.

Despite the back and forth on what needed to happen at General Conference 2020, there was a strong consensus that we need to be open to the Holy Spirit. Pray for revival in the local churches and beyond. Get outside of our church walls and serve our communities. Continue to disciple those in our churches and communities.

What are your hopes and dreams for The United Methodist Church? For your church body. The community in which you choose to live daily life. Are you praying for renewal to come?