Special Session of the NWTX Conference Called

In accordance with ¶603.5 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and with the support of the District Superintendents, I, Bishop James G. Nunn, hereby call a Special Session of the Northwest Texas Annual Conference to be held on Saturday, December 3, 2022, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at LakeRidge United Methodist Church, Lubbock, Texas.

The purpose of the called session is as follows: 

1. To act on enabling motions of the Annual Conference

2. To act on reports from the Board of Trustees on the following matters:

a. Recommendations for disaffiliation

b. Recommendations for property issues related to Ceta Canyon campgrounds

3. To act on a joint report from the MAT team and trustees related to the discontinuance of the United Methodist relationship with the current NWTX Wesley Foundations

4. To act on a report from the Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits:

a. the Funding Reserve Trust for Clergy Benefits Plans

b. a recommendation for grants to retired clergy and contributions to active clergy UMPIP accounts

5. Item of information: Shared Ministries distribution

Conference Logistics

There will be no charge for this Annual Conference Session, but all pastors, delegates, and visitors must register online by November 22. Registration can be found at www.nwtxregistration.org. You will find links to register as Active Clergy, Retired Clergy, Lay Members, Alternate Lay Members, Other Lay Members, and Visitors.

If you are needing a hotel room, we will not have a block at a specific hotel. There is a list of hotels near LakeRidge UMC and Southwest Lubbock on the website.

Please watch for more information to come in the coming weeks as we prepare for the Special Called Session. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Conference Office.